Cheng Yaojin: A Best Cavalry General for Expanding March Size in Evony

Last updated on October 14th, 2024 at 03:07 am

Evony releases a new ‘China‘ group mounted-troop general – Cheng Yaojin, during these days with the Double Ninth Festival events. According to the introduction, Cheng Yaojin was a renowned general of the Tang Dynasty who was known for his bravery and combat prowess. To discern his strength, we compared this general to recent cavalry generals. If you can read to the end, we also recommend some general combinations that match Cheng Yaojin. Hope this guide can help you.

General Story

Amidst the chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty, Cheng Yaojin rose as a fierce protector of his people, leading a band of brave warriors and becoming a hero of legendary stature.
Joining the Wagang Army, his spear cut through countless foes, making him a shining force on the battlefield. In the Battle of Mount Beiwang, Cheng’s bravery reached its peak. In the heat of battle, a mighty general from Cheng’s side fell, struck by a stray arrow, teetering on the edge of death. At that critical moment, Cheng Yaojin roared and charged into the enemy ranks, rescuing the fallen warrior and placing him on his own horse. As they made their daring escape, a spear pierced through Cheng’s back and out of his chest. Yet, Cheng did not fall. With a mighty roar, he snapped the spear lodged in his body, his defiance striking fear into the hearts of his pursuers, freezing them in their tracks.
Later, Cheng found his rightful lord, achieving great victories that helped unify the Tang Dynasty. His valor earned him a place among the 24 heroes immortalized in Lingyan Pavilion.

Initial & Ascending Special Skill

Whirlwind Iron Axe – Increases mounted troops’ attack by 45% and increases ground troops and mounted troops’ defense and HP by 35% when he is leading the army.
Ascend Cheng Yaojin to get buffs below.
  • 1 red star: Mounted troop and ground troop attack +5% and defense +10%
  • 2 red star: Marching troop death into wounded rate +8%
  • 3 red star: March size capacity +10%; mounted troop attack +20%
  • 4 red star: Mounted troop defense +10% and HP +10%
  • 5 red star: Mounted troop and ground troop attack +20%, defense and HP +15%

4 Specialties’ Maximum Buffs

  1. Mounted Troop Formation: mounted troop attack and defense +10%
  2. Annihilation: march size capacity +6%; attacking mounted troop and ground troop attack +10%
  3. Mounted Troop Ares: mounted troop attack, HP, and defense +10%
  4. King of Chaos: mounted troop attack +50%; mounted troop defense +15%; march size capacity +15%

General Covenant

Cheng Yaojin’s Covenant General: Li Shimin, Li Jing, and Sun Ce.
Covenant Attributes:
  • War Covenant: mounted troop defense +10%
  • Cooperation Covenant: enemy wounded into death when attacking +10%
  • Peace Covenant: mounted troop training speed +10%
  • Faith Covenant: march size capacity +8%; march speed +10%
  • Honor Covenant: mounted troop attack +5%
  • Civilization Covenant: mounted troop attack +5%; mounted troop HP +10%

How to Get General Cheng Yaojin

  1. Historic General Summoning Event

We can use the ‘Epic Historic General (Glory)’ to summon generals including Cheng Yaojin at this event.
In particular, the probability of receiving Cheng Yaojin by summoning increases to 17.5% during the Double Ninth Festival.
Besides, the probability of obtaining the recent 3 generals Marco Polo, Maurice de Saxe, and Tachibana Ginchiyo is 7.5%, and the probability of obtaining other old generals is 2.5%. However, this probability will change with the update of the game. So, it seems important to seize the opportunity of Double Ninth Festival activities.
  1. General Tokens

In addition, we also have a chance to get Cheng Yaojin from Epic Historic General (Premium), Epic Historic General, and Epic General tokens.
There are many ways to get these general tokens in the game, so we won’t list them all here. The most straightforward way is to get them from the Level 5 event packs.

Comparison: Cheng Yaojin vs. Recent Cavalry Generals

We calculated the maximum buff value of the recent cavalry generals in terms of attack (or march). And we distinguished them according to the main general and the assistant general because the effective buffs of these two positions are different. The approximate data is shown in the following table.
Attack Position
Mounted-troop Attack
Mounted-troop Defense
Mounted-troop HP
March Size Capacity
Cheng Yaojin
Marco Polo
Washington (Prime)
Napoleon (Prime)
Jayavarman II
Through the above comparison, we can draw the following conclusions.
  • Cheng Yaojin’s buff on march size capacity is the strongest among the recent cavalry generals;
  • From the perspective of cavalry troops’ attack, Marco Polo and Napoleon (Prime) are stronger;
  • Hestia’s defense bonus to mounted troops is the best among these generals;
  • Napoleon (Prime) and Jayavarman II have a more prominent improvement on mounted-troop HP.
Therefore, if you want to maximize your march size, Cheng Yaojin is a good choice.
Cheng Yaojin cannot use the skill book of ‘Mounted Troop Attack’.

Cheng Yaojin – General Combinations

Cheng Yaojin’s special skill can not match André Masséna, Martinus, Laudon, Prince Eugene, Li Naomasa, Li Jing, Honda Tadakatsu, Robert Guiscard, and Washington.
After trials, he was more closely matched with the following generals.
  • Poligenus
  • Hestia
  • Washington (Prime)
  • Napoleon (Prime)
  • Jayavarman II
  • George A. Custer
  • Roland
  • Zhao Yun
  • Mordred
  • Gaius Octavius
  • Sun Ce
  • Barbarossa
  • Hannibal
  • King Arthur
  • Beowulf
  • Bertrand du Guesclin
  • Lysander
  • Huo Qubing
  • Maximilian I
Among these generals, we have selected 5 most recommended combinations:
Main General
Assistant General
Mounted-troop Attack
Mounted-troop Defense
Mounted-troop HP
March Size Capacity
Marco Polo
Cheng Yaojin
Napoleon (Prime)
Cheng Yaojin
Cheng Yaojin
Cheng Yaojin
Washington (Prime)
Jayavarman II
Cheng Yaojin
In conclusion, from the perspective of comprehensive strength, our most recommended combination is Main General Marco Polo + Assistant General Cheng Yaojin.
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