Playing It Cool with Data-Driven in Gaming Dev

David Guo, also known as Yaoqi Guo, is the co-founder and CEO of Top Games Inc., where he oversees all essential departments of the company. With over 25 years of experience in software and game development, network security, UX, game theory, and API design.

David Guo Profile

David values clarity and brevity, aiming to simplify complexity into easy-to-use designs that bring value to users. He strives for excellence in all he does, applying constant cycles of reflection and review to improve his work.

Dev Story

A natural-born Software Innovator

David Guo majored in physics at Sun Yat-sen University and created the renowned Skynet firewall in 1998, which became the most popular consumer firewall in China, protecting tens of millions of internet users. In 2004, he co-founded one of the world’s largest virtual currency exchange platforms, facilitating millions of transactions and generating hundreds of millions in value.

As a gamer himself, David Guo observed that many game companies do not prioritize user experience. This realization led him to devote himself to the gaming industry, eventually joining Top Games Inc. Under his leadership, the company released the popular mobile game “Evony: The King’s Return.”

Salon Superstars

Development Philosophy

Design, Build and Break

Encourage the team to rapidly identify and capitalize on game industry and technology trends, focusing on quick iterations to refine our offerings based on real-world feedback.

 Cross-Genre Strategy

Integrating puzzles into Evony’s core gameplay has significantly increased retention rate among players who typically favor puzzle games and wouldn’t have downloaded the game, fostering a more vibrant and diverse community.

Minimum Viable Product

The team adopts a lean approach, rapidly developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and testing it in specific markets that reflect global demographics. They innovate responsibly and learn from each project without feeling that failure will doom them.

Top Games Inc.’s flagship title, Evony: The King’s Return, has been honored as the Best MMO in Samsung’s Best of the Galaxy Store Awards for 2022.

David Guo, said, “On behalf of the team here at Top Games, we thank Samsung for recognizing us as the Best MMO in the Samsung Store for 2022. We also thank all of our players for their love and support. Games bring us together no matter where we are in the world. Together, we can create an even greater community.”

We aimed to create the best gaming experience possible and to cultivate long-lasting gaming communities that would continually enhance that experience.

David Guo

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