Top Games & uCool: Indie Developers are Crushing It in the Mobile Game Market

The mobile gaming market is expected to hit $100.54 billion in 2024 and increase to $164.81 billion by 2029, thanks to the rising number of smartphone users, improvements in cloud gaming, and the increasing popularity of AR and VR technologies. Leading companies in this market include Tencent, Nintendo, Activision Blizzard, Zynga, and GungHo Online Entertainment. So big players are rocking the stage, then what about small ones, the indie developers? Today I will write about two indie developers – Top Games Inc & uCool, and Why Do Some Games Remain Fun for Years? With famous hits like Evony & Heroes Charge, they both managed to get on the front seat of the bus. What can we benefit from their story? This article just might give you some insights.

Super Bowl Splash: Evony’s Big Gamble

Indie game developers are thriving in the mobile gaming market, though they do face unique challenges and opportunities. Digital distribution platforms like Steam, Epic Games Store, and mobile app stores such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store have leveled the playing field, making it easier for indie developers to reach a global audience without traditional publishers. Monetization strategies are crucial for indie developers. Many rely on in-app purchases or ads to generate revenue. Forming strategic partnerships with publishers and other industry players can also provide valuable resources and marketing support, boosting the success of indie games.
However, the market is becoming increasingly saturated, making it harder for new games to get noticed. To stand out, developers need effective marketing, community engagement, and unique, high-quality gaming experiences. Despite these hurdles, indie developers have great potential, especially in the growing mobile gaming sector. By leveraging the right tools and strategies, they can achieve both creative and commercial success in this competitive landscape.
Let’s take Evony, a real time strategic MMO by Top Games Inc – a global indie developer and publisher, as example. In 2017, Top Games made a splash during the Super Bowl with an ad for their strategy game Evony: The King’s Return. The 30-second commercial, featuring Hollywood stars Aaron Eckhart, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Fan Bingbing, was filmed in Queenstown in December. Just how much revenue did the 30-second only ad boost for Top Games? Well, that I don’t really know but it did indeed boost the game’s popularity, shooting it up to 17th place in the US App Store download rankings on Sunday. If there’s anything that truly demonstrates the importance of advertising for indie game developers, it’s the example of Evony’ ads at the Super Bowl.

uCool: How to Win Hearts and Wallets

Just like mentioned in the first paragraph, many indie developers rely on in-app purchases to generate profit. In-app purchases are a common revenue strategy for most mobile games. However, this approach has a downside: if in-app purchases do not align well with the game’s content or storyline, or if developers overly emphasize in-app purchases at the expense of the “player-first” philosophy, neglecting player interests, it can backfire. This misalignment often leads to player dissatisfaction, ultimately resulting in decreased revenue instead of growth.
A great example of successfully implementing in-app purchases is Heroes Charge, an action RPG multiplayer online battle game developed by the indie game studio uCool. uCool, founded in 2012, stands as a distinguished independent video game developer and publisher in the US.
“The success of Heroes Charge comes from our commitment to high-quality game design and our ‘player-first’ development philosophy. We use a freemium model, but unlike other games, we don’t impose paywalls or force players to spend money. We respect the players’ time and spending in the game, and in return, they appreciate us. This approach allows us to continually support content updates without requiring players to pay for them.” in a report by VentureBeat, Lu Lu, CEO of uCool, stated.
uCool’s player-first philosophy and non-mandatory paywalls in Heroes Charge have made the game popular with 48 million players worldwide. This approach has helped Heroes Charge stand out among its competitors, underscoring the company’s significant impact on the free-to-play online gaming market.

The Winning Recipe for Indie Success

In the booming mobile game market of 2024, indie developers face stiff competition from major gaming companies. Still, examples from Top Games and uCool provide valuable insights into how indie developers can thrive. Top Games made a significant impact with their game Evony by investing heavily in high-profile advertising, such as their Super Bowl commercial. This strategy exponentially increased their game’s visibility and downloads. Evony reached a staggering $385,751,902 in net revenue in 2022 with more than 62 million downloads worldwide. On the other hand, uCool’s success with Heroes Charge stems from their “player-first” philosophy. By avoiding mandatory paywalls and respecting players’ time and spending, they have garnered a loyal player base of 48 million worldwide.
These examples highlight that combining effective advertising with a player-friendly approach, which avoids aggressive monetization, can help indie developers stand out and succeed in the highly competitive mobile gaming market.
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