Lean Game-Creating Machine: Benjamin Gifford’s MVP Strategy

At Top Games Inc. (TGI), The VP Benjamin Gifford shares insights into how to leverage the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach to innovate and “Bite the bullet” in the competitive gaming industry. This article explores the role of MVPs in TGI’s success, particularly with their flagship game, “Evony: The King’s Return,” and highlights the advantages of this method for independent developers.


The MVP Approach at TGI

Swift Development and Market Testing

Benjamin Gifford emphasizes a lean approach to game development, rapidly creating MVPs to test in specific markets. This strategy allows TGI to gauge market demand and refine their products based on real-world feedback. “We assess market demand, innovation potential, and alignment with our core principles,” says Gifford. “By developing an MVP and testing it, we can innovate responsibly and learn from each project without the fear of failure dooming the team.”

This approach is vividly illustrated in the development of “Evony: The King’s Return,” a game that has garnered over 200 million players worldwide. The initial MVP allowed TGI to fine-tune gameplay mechanics, user experience, and narrative elements based on player feedback, leading to a robust and engaging product.

Continuous Improvement and Agile Methodology

The MVP strategy aligns perfectly with TGI’s philosophy of continuous improvement and rapid iteration. Gifford notes, “It’s not about spending so much time on perfection. Agile developers who can pivot quickly often outpace those who aim for flawlessness from the start.” This mindset enables TGI to remain adaptable, constantly refining their games to meet evolving player expectations and market trends.

For instance, TGI’s cross-genre strategy, incorporating puzzle elements into “Evony,” significantly boosted player retention. This iterative process of adding and testing new features ensures that the game stays fresh and engaging, appealing to both new and veteran players.

Advantages for Independent Developers

Resource Efficiency and Risk Mitigation

For mid-sized indie developers, the MVP approach offers substantial benefits. It minimizes initial investment risks by focusing on core functionalities before committing extensive resources to full-scale development. This method is particularly advantageous for companies like uCool, which balances careful planning with bold execution. As Lu Lu, former CEO of uCool, states, “Setting realistic goals while aggressively pursuing them ensures that our vision is both achievable and ambitiously pursued.”

Fostered Creativity and Innovation

Indie developers often thrive on creative freedom, which is amplified by the MVP approach. By rapidly prototyping and testing ideas, developers can explore innovative concepts without the fear of significant losses. This environment fosters a culture of experimentation and agility, essential for creating unique and engaging games.

Top Games Inc.’s portfolio, including titles like “Infinity Clan” and “Salon Superstars,” showcases the diversity and creativity that the MVP approach enables. These games span various genres, appealing to a broad audience and demonstrating TGI’s commitment to innovation.

Building and Sustaining Community

A strong player community is crucial for the longevity of any game. TGI excels in fostering deep social connections within their games. “While games should be entertaining, we also strive to offer our users a straightforward and hassle-free experience,” says David Guo, CEO of Top Games Inc. This philosophy is evident in “Evony,” where alliances and collaborative gameplay are key features.

TGI actively engages with their player community through regular updates, feedback channels, and inclusive events. This player-centric approach ensures that the game evolves in line with player expectations, maintaining high levels of engagement and satisfaction.


The MVP approach at Top Games Inc., championed by VP Benjamin Gifford, highlights the importance of rapid development, continuous improvement, and community engagement in game development. This strategy not only drives innovation but also mitigates risks, making it an invaluable method for independent developers. As TGI continues to explore new technologies and genres, their commitment to creating engaging and high-quality games ensures they remain at the forefront of the gaming industry.

By embracing the MVP approach, indie developers can achieve significant success, just as TGI has with “Evony: The King’s Return.” This method allows for swift adaptation to market trends, fosters creativity, and builds strong player communities, paving the way for future growth and innovation in the gaming world.

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