Use Evony General Theodosius I to Set the 2nd Siege Machine Troop

Last updated on September 17th, 2024 at 05:55 pm

Evony Epic Historic General, Theodosius I, is a siege machine general who has been released at the Running of the Bulls event. His presence may change the second siege machine formation of many players. He has nice buffs on march size capacity, and his combinations don’t use tier-1 siege machine generals. If you want to learn more about how to pair this general, please read on.

Theodosius I General Story

In 379 AD, as the wheel of destiny turned towards Theodosius I, he took on the mantle of savior of the Roman Empire with an almost divine grace, becoming a beacon for Rome.
On the battlefield, Theodosius I was a lion, fearless and heroic. The devastating defeat at Adrianople in 378 plunged the eastern empire into chaos, with the Gothic threat looming. Theodosius was entrusted with restoring order, and by 382, he had not only stabilized the East but also forged a historic pact with the Goths, securing their loyalty and military support as federates.
The Edict of Thessalonica remains an immortal chapter of his legacy, ushering Rome into a new spiritual era. This decree ended long-standing conflicts and paved the way for Europe’s future faith.
Theodosius I, the last unifier of the Roman Empire, ruled over a period both glorious and poignant, witnessing the empire’s final golden days and heralding medieval Europe’s dawn.
Evony Siege Machine General Theodosius I
Evony Siege Machine General Theodosius I

Special Skill – Theodosius the Great

Increases siege machines’ attack and defense by 45% and March Size by 8% when he is leading the army to attack.
Ascending Buffs:
  1. Marching siege machine attack +10% and defense +15%
  2. Marching troop death into wounded rate +8%
  3. Marching siege machine HP +10%, march size capacity +5%
  4. Marching siege machine attack +15% and defense +15%
  5. Marching siege machine attack +20%, defense and HP +20%

Theodosius I Max-level Specialty

Siege Machine Formation: siege machine attack and defense +10%
Bash: ranged troop and siege machine attack +10%
Siege Machine Ares: siege machine attack, HP, and defense +10%
Battle of the Frigidus: marching siege machine attack +40, defense and HP +25%

Theodosius I Covenant

He has a covenant with General Nero, Septimius Severus, and Aurelian.
The detailed attributes are as follows.
  • War covenant: the death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking.
  • Cooperation covenant: march speed +10%
  • Peace covenant: siege machine training capacity +10%
  • Faith covenant: marching siege machine defense +10%
  • Honor covenant: marching siege machine attack +10%
  • Civilization covenant: marching siege machine HP +10%, defense troops attack +5%

How to Obtain Theodosius I

  1. Historic General Summoning Event

You have a big opportunity to get General Theodosius I through the Historic General Summoning. During the Running of the Bulls Event, Evony increases the probability of summoning this general, and you can get at least one Theodosius I within summoning 6 times.
During the event, you can get the ‘Epic Historic General (Glory)’ from the corresponding package. And then, use the ‘Epic Historic General (Glory)’ to summon rare historic generals in the rewards pool.
  1. General Tokens

There is also a chance to get Theodosius I from the following general tokens.
  • Epic General
  • Epic Historic General
  • Epic Historic General (Premium)
So, how to get the tokens above?
You can get them through many paths, such as the highest tier of event packages, Alliance Competition, Gather Troops, Champion loyalty rewards, VIP premium package, etc.

Theodosius I General Combinations

Theodosius I’s special skill conflicts with Gunther, Melisande, Pallas, and Kleos.
Generals that can be paired with Theodosius I include:
  • Mu Guiying
  • John Hunyadi
  • Raimondo
  • Edward Teach
  • Zucca
  • Septimius Severus
  • Petronas
  • ……
To objectively compare their strengths and weaknesses in theory, I considered general skin and covenant on the premise that all specialties have reached the maximum level and the main general’s special skill has reached 5 red stars.
  Buffs of Raimondo’s General Skin – ‘Odyssey Raimondo’:
  • Ranged troop and siege machine defense +10%
  • Enemy ranged troop and siege machine HP -20%
I finally selected the top three from the three aspects of attack, defense, and HP, and listed these combinations. See the table below for details. (Among them, the attack bonus of the combination that can carry the ‘Lv4 Siege Machine Attack Skill Book’ already includes the buff of the skill book.)
Main General
Assistant General
 Attack Skill Book
John Hunyadi
Theodosius I
March Size Capacity +18
Theodosius I
John Hunyadi
March Size Capacity +13
Mu Guiying
Theodosius I
March Size Capacity +21
Theodosius I
March Size Capacity +14
Rally Capacity +6
Theodosius I
March Size Capacity +19
Edward Teach
Theodosius I
March Size Capacity +8
Rally Capacity +8
Among the above combinations,
  • The combination with the highest Attack bonus is John Hunyadi + Theodosius I
  • The combination with the best Defense buff is Raimondo + Theodosius I
  • The combination with the highest HP bonus is Theodosius I + John Hunyadi and Edward Teach + Theodosius I
  • The combination with the highest March Size gain is Mu Guiying + Theodosius I
Overall, the strongest combination of Theodosius I is Main General John Hunyadi + Assistant General Theodosius I.
This combination has the strongest siege machine attack buff, a medium defense buff, and the second strongest HP bonus. Besides, they can provide a good march size buff to allow you to send more troops.
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